Sophisticated Technician

Yamato Yo (33 years old)
169 cm/A type


◆At the Osaka Main Store◆

With a calm atmosphere and a friendly personality, he's sure to tickle women's hearts. You can't go wrong being healed by his sexy, sweet voice!

Questions and Answers

Can I book an overnight or private session? If you make a reservation in advance, it's OK!!
If I inquire on your day off, can I still make a reservation? It's okay depending on the day!
Do you like alcohol? I'm not very strong, but I like it!
Do you have any other jobs? Yes, I do!
Where would you like to go on a date? Places with a view of the sea, movies, cafes; I love movies!
Is there a gesture from a woman that makes you nervous? When she crosses her legs!
What's your favorite part of a woman's body? The chest!
What's your type of woman? Someone with a lovely smile (*´з`)
Is there a scent from a woman that makes you nervous? A woman's natural scent
How would you like a woman to call you? Call me whatever you like!
What was your previous job? I'm in sales!
What's your favorite food? I like meat and seafood!
A word to your clients I'll work hard to make you want to see me again! I'm good at karaoke, so I'd be happy if we could have a relationship where we could go together!


  • Sophisticated charm
  • Sexy voice
  • Good conversationalist


    Osaka Main Store
    Okayama Branch
    Hokuriku Branch
    Nagoya Branch
    Shinjuku Kabukicho Branch
    Hakata Branch
    Naha Brabch
    【F C】
    CLUB-AIKISS Kobe Store
    CLUB-AIKISS Nara Store

    EXYCLUB Tokyo FC Store
