Former top-ranked traveling host, now a No. 1 therapist

Ko Mikado (31 years old)
170cm/AB type


◆At the main store in Osaka◆ Available for business trips to Okayama branch◆

Absolutely handsome with refined facial features and a calm demeanor. Despite a slight hiatus, he is an experienced professional with exceptional skills and techniques. Why not entrust yourself to him and see for yourself?

Questions and Answers

Can I stay overnight or book a private session? OK with advance reservation!
If I inquire on my day off, can I still make a reservation? I'll fly over right away!
Do you like alcohol? Currently on a break...
Do you have any other jobs? I'm an engineer!
Where would you like to go on a date? I'd like to try the usual dates like cafes and zoos.
Do you have any gestures that make you feel excited about women? When they run their fingers through their hair.
What's your favorite type of woman? Someone who can express their emotions well.
Is there a scent that makes you feel excited about women? The scent of body soap.
What's your favorite food? Avocado.
A message to the customers I'll make sure you have a satisfying time!


  • Former Top-ranked Host
  • Solidly Muscular
  • Rich in Experience
  • Technically Skilled
  • Gift Messages from Customers

    Due to point limits, details are separately recorded for May 2023 to April 2024 (23 items)

    4/2 EXY Gift Coins 50 Coins From: Kyoko (Message not disclosed)



    Osaka Main Store
    Okayama Branch
    Hokuriku Branch
    Nagoya Branch
    Shinjuku Kabukicho Branch
    Hakata Branch
    Naha Brabch
    【F C】
    CLUB-AIKISS Kobe Store
    CLUB-AIKISS Nara Store

    EXYCLUB Tokyo FC Store
